Everything new concerning NFC in the bitcoin space – onchain and offchain.
Signing devices and NFC
Cold Storage can now also be done with the help of NFC. With Satochip.io and TwentyTwo you now have two new outrageouly beautiful variants in addition to the NFC-cabable Coldcard MK4.
With Satschip you get a signing device that can authenticate artpieces as yours which is a wonderful addition to the use cases !
Boltcard as an implant
Its doesnt come as a surprise but still a controversial issue – implanting NFC tags is back !
Since the HCCP21 which has had a high focus on NFC there have been several people like the one above, that took the offer to get a payment-method implanted via running on static LNURL links/NTAG215 chips. Since they are unsafe for bigger amounts, its only logical, that those tags evolved and you can now have a Boltcard-ready NTAG424 under your skin from https://nuro-ef40e75e30cd.herokuapp.com/
Further looking into the future there are also already implants using Java .. https://dangerousthings.com/product/flexsecure/
With the Bat-ATM that supports LUD19 we now have a possibility to directly fund our Boltcards with shitcoins. Those received sats can then immediately be spent from the same card. All you need is one of our cards. What a wonderful thing to spot on a Bitcoin conference or meetup!
Fund your card with a tap
Adding funds to your wallet has just gotten easier with so called LUD19 “Paylink discoverable from withdraw link” improvement. While before you had to import your wallet with the LNDhub extension to e.g. Zeus wallet or Blue Wallet to top it up more easily you can now add sats to your card from your funding wallet (so far BTCpay, CoinCorner, OBW, LNbits).
E.g. for LNbits you will need to add the TPoS extension to your the wallet that has the funds you want to add to your card. Then you set the amount you want to fund the card with, hit ok and tap the card to it. For the feature to work you need to have the “ATM” activated on the TPOS.
Spend and repeat ๐
A NFC capable LNPoS
Opago has managed to extend the features of the LNPoS with NFC functionality.
Please note that this device switches to offline mode if no WIFI is available (which is great!) and that this will disable the possibility to use NFC payments. Boltcards but also static voucher links need online connectivity of the opposite part – because they are offline themselves.
Sunmi v2, the Bitcoinize and the LNbits POS
Apart from the self-build LNPOS two other POS-Terminals are available : The Sunmi v2 and the Bitcoinizze. They are identical except that the Bitcoinize is preconfigured for BTCpay which can also handle writing cards in bulk. If you buy the raw Sunmi make sure to not get a second hand one that is company-blocked. This can only be unblocked with a paid service.
LNbits can also be used as POS-Software and can additionally be connected to all sorts of other devices you might have in your shop (ATM, Bitcoin switch etc.). LNbits uses another POS-Terminal and also has a printer integrated.
Virtual Bolt Cards
Thanks to titusz there is now a possibility to add a virtual Bolt Card to your phone wallet without actually having a physical one. You can find the repo on Github and the video below on x.
Places that accept NFC payments
When adding a Bitcoin merchant to BTCmap you can now add a flag, that users can activate to highlight NFC capable merchants on their map.